Contributions to our knowledge of sex and the differentiation of species in the higher fungi : a series of papers submitted as a thesis to the University of Manitoba
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In 1918 Mlle Bensaude, employing experimental and cytological methods, proved conclusively that the phenomenon of heterothallism occurs in the Hymenomycetes. She isolated two monospororous mycelia of Coprinus fimetarius and found that they remained in the haploid (primary) condition during eight months of continuous cultivation, without any sign of fruiting, but that when they were paired they united and produced a diploid (secondary) clamp-bearing mycelium which fruited readily. In 1919 Kniep showed by experiment that Schizophyllum commune is heterothallic, and stated that many other Hymenomycetes also exhibit this sexual condition. Further discoveries of heterothallism in Hymenomycetes have been made: by Kniep, working with Aleurodiscus polygonius; by Miss Mounce, working with Coprinus lagopus and C. niveus; by Vandendries, working with Collybia velutipes, Hypholoma fasciculare, Panaeolus campanulatus, P. separatus (=Anellaria separata), P. fimicola, and Coprinus radians); and by Brunswik working with sixteen species of the genus Coprinus. In papers published in 1921 and 1922, Miss Mounce first definitely established that the phenomenon of homothallism occurs in the Hymenomycetes. She made monosporous cultures of Coprinus sterquilinus and of C. sterocorarius and found that the mycelia soon developed clamp-connexions and subsequently produced perfect fruit-bodies. She succeeded in growing C. sterquilinus in pure monosporous cultures for seven successive generations.....