The relationship between the isometric mid-thigh pull & countermovement jump and on-ice sprint performance in hockey players

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Asmundson, Matthew
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On-ice sprint performance is a significant predictor and requirement for playing at the highest levels of hockey. It is important to understand the relationship between on-ice sprint performance and off-ice force production capabilities in order to appropriately design off-ice training programs. This will help to ensure proper adaptations are being pursued and optimal transfer of training from the conditioning room to the ice. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between maximum and dynamic strength measures and on-ice sprint performance from both an absolute and relative perspective. Both male (n=18) and female (n=13) hockey players from the University of Manitoba participated in this study. The off-ice measures included two assessment procedures utilizing a force plate; an isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) to assess maximum strength and a countermovement jump (CMJ) to assess dynamic strength. Both off-ice measures were analyzed from both a relative (CMJr and IMTPr) and absolute (CMJa and IMTPa) perspective. The on-ice measures were 15.42m and 7.71m sprint times. Pearson product moment correlations were used to quantify the relationships between variables. CMJa (r = -0.56 to -0.61), IMTPa (r = -0.65 to -0.67) and IMTPr (r = -0.55) were significantly correlated (p < 0.05) with on-ice sprint ability. When analyzed in groups of male and female only, no significant relationships were observed between CMJ measures and on-ice sprint times. No significant relationships were observed between IMTP measures and on-ice sprint times when individually analyzing male participants, while significant relationships (p < 0.05) were observed in females between IMTPa (r = -0.70 to -0.71) and IMTPr (r = -0.68 to -0.71) and on-ice sprint times. Although previous research has found that on-ice sprint ability of varying distances has been related to other off-ice measures of dynamic strength (vertical jump height, off-ice sprint time), it has failed to adequately assess the role of maximum strength. It was concluded that both maximum and dynamic strength are important factors in on-ice sprint performance in hockey players. Furthermore, it was concluded that maximum strength seems to be an important characteristic in on-ice sprint ability in females.

Hockey, Strength