Growing a rooftop revolution: repurposing urban roofs for increased food production in Montreal, QC

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Hoogstraten, Kalika
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In the past few decades, environmental and social realities have led to a heightened interest in how food is grown, processed, distributed, and accessed. Rooftop gardens may offer a sustainable solution for underutilized urban space, and supplement access to healthy and affordable food. Montreal, QC served as a case study comparing three buildings with rooftop agriculture; however, this research was also structured to provide lessons and insights on rooftop food production that could be applied more broadly. An in-depth look at types and scales of rooftop agriculture, the barriers to developing a rooftop garden in Montreal, climate conditions, and policy context will be presented and synthesized to help inform similar efforts in other locations. In doing so, this thesis will begin to develop a framework for rooftop urban agriculture that can lead to more food secure and productive cities.

Urban Agriculture, Rooftop Agriculture, Food Security