The occurrence and development of "magnesium solonetz" in the soils of the Red River Valley

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Caldwell, Orval Graham
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The alkalinization of a considerable area of soils in the Red River Valley, which results in a poor physical condition, constitutes some important problems, involving technical and practical aspects. A study of these problems was undertaken to ascertain the nature and cause of the phenomena observed with a view to arriving at a solution of the problems and of outlining methods for their amelioration. The attention of soil scientists in other countries has been focused for some time upon the formation, the structural characteristics, physical condition and the amelioration of alkali, and saline soils. However, the fundamental facts relating to the formation of alkalinized soils as they occur in the Red River Valley in Manitoba have not been studied previously... Laboratory studies were conducted on typical soil associates in the Red River Valley, namely the Red River phytomorphic prairie (two samples), Red River alkalinized, Red River degraded alkalinized, Phytomorphic wooded, Hydromorphic, Emerson phyto-hydromorphic, Emerson hydromorphic salinized, and Altona phytomorphic associates... The results show that only one soil associate studied, namely the salinized Emerson, may be classed as a "Solonchak".
