Seeing Between the Lines; Art of Survival

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puelles, francisco
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My Master of Fine Art thesis reflects on the personal experiences of my life’s journey while living in Chile, the country of my birth, and now Canada, my exiled and adopted home. It is about art being a therapeutic, fostering recovery from trauma in my life. I came to Winnipeg in 1977 and have recently been able to balance the experiences lived in Chile with my new life in Canada. It took me 40 years to mentally digest those experiences and gain the courage to tell my story. Also, twenty years as an educator in an inner city school has allowed me to learn, and to educate myself through my students and their traumas, which are numerous. These accumulated moments enabled me to open up to myself and face the past. This new chapter in my life has allowed me to begin to fully express myself as both an artist and a survivor of trauma.
Art in Trauma