Incorporation of pulse flours with coarse and fine particle size milled from green lentils (Lens culinars), yellow peas (Pisum sativum L.), navy beans (Phaselous vulgaris L.), and pinto beans (Phaselous vulgari L.) into baked products

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Borsuk, Yulia
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The effect of utilization of pulse flours with coarse and fine particle size milled from green lentils, yellow peas, navy beans, and pinto beans in pita bread and pan bread was studied. Composites containing 25, 50, 75, and 100% pulse flours were studied for pita baking, and 10, 15, and 25% for pan bread baking. Addition of the pulse flours produced pitas with the pockets, but they were smaller in diameter and firmer in texture than the wheat control. Supplemented pan bread had lower specific loaf volume and firmer crumb with coarser grain. The recommended tolerance levels of pulse flour addition were 25% for pita bread and 10-15% for pan bread depending on the pulse flour and particle size. It appears that navy beans and pinto beans are more suitable for baking applications using composite flours than lentils and yellow peas, and coarse flours produced breads with improved quality compared to fine flours.

pulse flours, particle size, green lentils, yellow peas, navy beans, pinto beans, pita bread, pan bread