FSCBlock: Designing financial smart contracts on permissioned and public blockchains

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Vinayak, Muskan
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Blockchain technology, though still at its infancy, is disrupting current business models by making intermediary services obsolete and the term has become a buzzword worldwide. A lot of research is going on to harness its full potential in many fronts from small to large corporate businesses. Currently, the Collateral Contract Services (CCS) are manually processed in financial institutions. The main objective of this research is to choose the most appropriate financial instrument, specifically derivatives, for CCS and allow its automated trading using Blockchain technology, which we have achieved on two prominent Blockchain platforms. In the first part of the thesis, formulating one of the derivatives, options, as a smart contract has been studied, wherein I have successfully generated and analyzed an options smart contract for Ethereum (public). Then, in the second part of the thesis, designing a Chaincode for CCS is researched using Hyperledger Fabric (permissioned), maintaining a transparent distributed ledger for the CCS between financial institutions.

Collateral Contract Services, Smart contracts, Blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum
Analyzing Financial Smart Contracts for Blockchain - Muskan Vinayak; Har Amrit Pal Singh Panesar; Saulo dos Santos; Ruppa K. Thulasiram; Parimala Thulasiraman; S.S. Appadoo - IEEE Cybermatics 2018 - International Conference on Blockchain, July 2018, Halifax, Canada.