Barriers to accessing substance use disorder treatment: a providers perspective

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Konzelman, Carmen
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Substance use disorders are gaining significant attention in the recent years and as such, questions have been raised of how we can help alleviate the problem of addictions. Many barriers exist that make receiving adequate treatment difficult. This results in long-term struggles with addictions, financial stresses, detriments on the health of individuals and unfortunately can have fatal outcomes. This study focuses on the barriers that healthcare providers in Winnipeg, Manitoba and surrounding areas face when referring patients for addictions treatment. A survey was sent out by email to multiple providers practicing in various areas of medicine that deal with addictions in one form or another. Participants were asked to rate in order of significance multiple barriers that they have faced. Respondents indicated that treatment wait times/capacity was the most significant barrier. Second most significant was difficulties for providers in determining patient eligibility for certain centres, followed by providers understanding of options available and lastly, issues with ongoing communication between provider and patient. A section of the survey also allowed for participants to leave comments on additional barriers they found to be relevant to their practice.

substance use disorder