Chromosome territory position of chromosome X and 11 is non-random and cell-type specific in mouse cells of B cell lineage
Kuzyk, Alexandra
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The interphase nucleus of a cell is organized into non-random, cell-type specific
chromosome territolies (CTs). In lymphocytes, a gene-density correlated radial arrangement has
been identified, with gene-dense CTs located more in the nuclear interior and gene-poor CTs
located towards the periphery. However, other factors such as chromosome size, transcription
and interactions of the nuclear membrane and matrix are also involved in the final ammgement of
CTs within a nucleus. In this project, the CTs of chromosome 11 and X were studied in five
different cell types of mouse B cell lineage: diploid preB cells, primary B cells of
[T38HxBALB/c]N wild-type mice, primary B cells of [T38HxBALB/c]N with rcpT(X;l1) mice,
primary B cells of BALB/c mice and a Wehi 231 mouse B lymphoma line. These two
chromosomes have not been studied before in the mouse. 3D FISH experiments that labeled the
CTs of chromosome 11 and X with chromosome-specific paints were carried out for each cell
type. The karyotype regarding these two chromosomes and specificity of the chromosome paints
was first confim1ed through 2D FISH experiments. The radial distance from the centre of each
CT to the centre of the nucleus was measured lIsing AxioVision 4.8 software. The results show a
non-random, statistically significant and cell-type specific nuclear distribution of these two
chromosomes. Altered nuclear positions of translocation chromosomes in normal healthy mice
and as a result of tumorigenesis were observed in the primary B cells of [T38HxBALB/c]N with
rcpT(X;l1) mice and in the Wehi 231 mouse B lymphoma line, respectively.