Magnetism in Ni80Fe20 and Ni80Fe20/NiO Nano-stripes

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Mirza, Mueed
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Ni80Fe20 and Ni80Fe20/NiO films and nano-stripes were characterized magnetically through AC and DC susceptibility measurements, and hysteresis loops as a function of field and temperature. While the near-pattern films were characterized in the in-plane configuration only, the nano-stripes were characterized in parallel, transverse and the perpendicular field configurations. The effects of the constrained geometry on the coercivity, exchange bias field, and the superparamagnetic blocking temperature were studied. It was determined that the coercivity, exchange bias field and the superparamagnetic blocking temperature can be controlled, not only by using a patterned media instead of a plane film, but also by the orientation of that pattern.
Physics, Magnetism, Nano, Stripes, nano-stripes, exchange bias, coercivity, superparamagnetic blocking temperature, Permalloy, Nickel, NiO, Nickel Oxide, Ni, Fe, Iron, Hysteresis, Susceptibility, zero-field-cooled, blocking, domain, demagnetization, SQUID, EUV-IL, Mueed Mirza, Johan van Lierop, domain wall