Grade 9 mathematics in Manitoba: reforming the way we teach

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Amaladas, Sacha
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The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of the experiences of Grade 9 Mathematics teachers to better understand their role in enabling success for all students. This is the phenomenon under investigation. The central question that frames this research is: What are the underlying features of the experiences of Grade 9 Mathematics teachers in Manitoba who are reforming Grade 9 Mathematics education? From information gained through interviews with a purposeful sample of six teachers, classroom observations, and member-checks, this study provides insights into various teaching methodologies and strategies used in Grade 9 Mathematics classrooms to better create conditions for student success. The findings of this study affirm that enabling student success extends beyond changing the technical modes of teaching. It also includes (a) shifting from teacher-centered instruction to building a classroom community, (b) changing teachers’ role as knowledge experts to becoming learning facilitators, (c) building student competence and confidence cumulatively, (d) receiving support from multiple stakeholders from within the larger educational system, and (e) effectively promoting student accountability and co-ownership of learning. Teachers in this study are reforming their practices because they are committed to achieving a higher purpose in their classrooms. They are all committed to balancing (a) enabling conditions where students become autonomous, responsible, and critical participants in their own learning, and (b) building a classroom community where students are encouraged to collaborate, communicate, and take co-ownership for the learning of their peers and therefore are engaged in a sense of social responsibility.
Education, Mathematics