The strength of the Mamas: creating and living in a world of wonder, dignity, and freedom

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Reed, Christy
Reed, Christy
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Mamas in Melanesia are strong. This study explores the way that a group of 18 women, known as “Mamas” in a neighborhood in Melanesia find strength. The study was a qualitative study conducted over a year of intensive research and over an ongoing period of 12 years of relationship with the community. The Mamas’ stories of strength are recorded. They find strength in a spirit of can-ness, in the process of striving with all that you are to overcome, and hard work. Their can-ness and their striving carry them through unbearable hardship and pain. They share their dreams and visions where they find strength, and the adventures of their experiences of travel. This study concludes with a celebration of the way that Melanesian Mamas are “Guardians of Life,” constantly creating celebrations and banquets for their community, even under conditions of overarching violence.
Mamas, Dignity, Strength, Annihilative violence, Identity, Peace