Use of an air-coupled ultrasound technique to assess the mechanical properties of white salted noodle dough and its potential capability in prediction of cooked noodle texture

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Wang, Huiqin
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In this study, an innovative technique—air-coupled ultrasound—was used to measure the mechanical properties of white salted noodles, in a fast, non-destructive, non-contact way. The ultrasound technique was sensitive to the changes brought about by dough moisture content, work input (either from the mixing or sheeting process), as well as the changes in noodle properties with time. In addition, the cooked noodle texture was assessed by conventional methods: an instrumental method and a trained sensory panel. Noodles were less firm with increased water content, and with prolonged storage time (24 hours). Noodles made with CWRW (Canada Western Red Winter) flour had a comparable firmness as noodles made from high protein content flour (Canada Western Red Spring). Overall, the cooked noodle texture was highly correlated with the dough properties measured with the ultrasound technique. Therefore, this research suggests that air-coupled ultrasound has a promising capability for the prediction of noodle quality.
air-coupled ultrasound technique, white salted noodles, noodle texture