Station Area Planning in Winnipeg: Bus rapid transit as a catalyst for changing policies to accommodate Transit-Oriented Development along the Eastern Rapid Transit Corridor

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Sidhu, Jasreen
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Transit-oriented development (TOD) is new to Winnipeg, Manitoba, and has not yet been implemented. The next phase of bus rapid transit service in Winnipeg will be the Eastern Rapid Transit Corridor (ERTC), which will provide an opportunity for TOD at station areas. This research examines plans and policies that support transit-oriented development, the impact of collaborative participation on outcomes of TOD planning and implementation efforts, and the opportunities for TOD at three Major Redevelopment sites (MRS). Two precedent cities were reviewed: Edmonton, AB being a city having similar TOD efforts to Winnipeg, and Arlington, VA, having had exemplar consultation processes that support rapid transit and TOD planning and implementation, that Winnipeg can learn from. Three high-level government employees were interviewed to provide insight into the successes, challenges, and lessons in municipal processes, which determine outcomes of TOD project planning and implementation. Additionally, a documentary analysis was conducted to examine policies and development plans for three Major Redevelopment Sites, which incorporate TOD principles, to inform an understanding of the potential for TOD in Winnipeg. The research findings indicate that the proposed developments at the three MRS cannot be defined as a true TOD as they are currently presented. Therefore, detailed secondary plans need to be developed to increase chances of TOD implementation. The findings further suggest that funding support from high level government is essential to BRT implementation. An alternative public engagement strategy was developed, to solicit meaningful feedback and garner support for TOD.

BRT, TOD, Public consultation, Smart growth