A qualitative analysis of mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) on the treatment and management of anxiety

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Miyanishi, Christy
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This qualitative study investigated the role of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program on the experience of individuals with anxiety and co-occurring depression. The primary research questions included: How does MBSR inform treatment for generalized anxiety and co-occurring depression and what can be learned from the 8- week program to inform how this format may be translated to one-one-one therapy? Does the cultivation of self-compassion impact individuals with generalized anxiety disorder? There were three participants in this sample, all who identified with anxiety and two who identified with co-occurring depression. Detailed case studies were made from each participant which included interpretive themes and a cross case analysis. Interpretive themes included sense of ease, letting go of judgment taking care of self, transformation, tolerance, support through the group, and unconditional self-acceptance. Shame emerged as a predictor of anxiety and self-compassion emerged as a way for participants to moderate feelings of shame.
MBSR, generalized anxiety disorder, shame, self-compassion, phenomenology