Sustainable urban transportation planning by design, the next necessary paradigm for Winnipeg?

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Schoor, Leo David Norman
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The purpose of this thesis is to locate a paradigm, and a new set of principles to guide the development of an urban transportation planning process for Winnipeg. By researching two fields that deal with the physical construction of space, urban design and urban transportation planning, an emerging paradigm is located, called sustainability, that can provide guidance about the type of communities that need to be built. Sustainability, as defined by the Brundtland Commission, represents a useful starting point in the d sign of a transportation system. Further inquiry into the meaning of sustainability opens the door to the design of transportation systems that are based on ecological principles. Therefore the objective of this thesis is to explore the sustainability paradigm and ecological principles as the fundamental components of Winnipeg's next transportation planning process. The results of the research clearly indicate that in order to sustainably resolve social, environmental and economic problems thephysical environment must be designed, as well as planned, via a coordinated and comprehensive urban design and transportation planning approach. Inherent in this approach are the ecological principles of system interdependency, the recycling of resources, partnerships, flexibility and diversity. This approach and its principles are intended to be used as a means to chart a course for a sustainable future. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)