Aggression replacement training, comparing incarcerated group intervention and community-based individual intervention among young offenders

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Sreekumar, Usha
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This practicum examines the factors that lead to the criminal activity of youth. Two of the primary factors cited in the many of the literature, is that delinquent youths tend to be both antisocial and aggressive. This practicum examines these traits and their relationship to crime. The model chosen for this intervention is the Aggression Replacement Training developed by Arnold Goldstein and Barry Glick in 1987. This model has been proven to be effective for this particular population. The models was used to compare two interventions, one using group therapy with incarcerated delinquents in Ottawa, and the other a community based intervention with individuals in Winnipeg. The objectives for the members who took part in this practicum included, decreasing aggression among participants, increasing their social competency and increase their assertiveness. The intervention appeared to be effective for most of the youth, based on the scores of the Aggression Questionnaire a d verbal feedback from participants.