Global quantitative host proteomic assay of infected cells highlight virus specific protein changes and identify a novel role for secretogranin ii protein in virus infections

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2012, 2015-05-01, 2015-06-15
Berard, Alicia
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ACS Publications
John Wiley and Sons
Future Medicine Ltd
Viruses are obligate parasites that use the host cellular machinery to produce progeny virions. The host responds to this invading pathogen by induction of the immune system; however, the virus employs a variety of strategies to overcome these attacks. The complexity of the virus-host interaction is of great interest to researchers with aims to both characterize the relationship and target steps of the viral life cycle to hinder infection. Many targeted tactics employ single protein analysis; however, approaches that examine the whole set of virus/host interactions are available. Transcriptional alterations within host cells have been determined for many virus- host interactions by micro-array techniques; however little is known about the effects on cellular proteins. This study uses a quantitative mass spectrometric-based method, SILAC, to study differences in a host cell's proteome with infection by a virus. Mammalian reoviruses and herpes simplex viruses are prototypical viruses commonly studied to determine virus life cycle and interactions with hosts. Using three strains of reoviruses and one HSV1 strain, cells were infected to identify differentially regulated proteins at different times. Thousands of proteins were identified for each virus type, some up or down regulated after infection. Biological functions and network analyses were performed using online networking tools. These pathway analyses indicated numerous processes including cell death and inflammatory response are affected by T1L reovirus infection. Comparing reovirus strains revealed a greater overall proteomic change in host function when infected with the more pathogenic T3DC strain. For the HSV infection, host proteins altered during the different immediate early, earlyand late phases of infection helped characterize the host-virus interaction parallel to the virus life cycle. Overall, my study has characterized proteomic changes in different virus infection systems, identifying numerous novel cellular functional pathways and specific proteins altered during virus infections, specifically the secretogranin II protein that had opposite types of regulation in reoviruses and HSV and was examined for its effects on virus replication. Further studies on the novel proteomic characteristics may provide greater understanding to the complex virus-host interactome, leading to possible antiviral targets.
SILAC, Reovirus, Herpes simplex virus 1, Proteomics, Host-virus relationship, Cell biology, Mass spectrometry, Systems biology
Proteomics. 2015 Jun;15(12):2113-35.
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