Lake variability and climate research in northwestern Ontario : study design and 1985-1986 data from the Red Lake District

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Fee, E.J.
Hecky, R.E.
Stainton, M.P.
Sandberg, P.
Hendzel, L.L.
Guildford, S.J.
Kling, H.J.
McCullough, G.K.
Anema, C.
Salki, A.
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Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. Central and Arctic Region

The design of the Freshwater Institute "Natural Variability and Climate Research" program is described. Detailed descriptions of field and laboratory methods used at the start of the program are given. Temperature profiles, Secchi disc depths and colours, and water chemistry data were collected from 115 lakes; these data are presented. During the ice-free season of 1986 six lakes were sampled every three weeks for a wide suite of limnological parameters; these data are presented. Bathymetric maps of these six lakes are also presented.

Canada, Ontario, Red Lake District, freshwater lakes, limnology, climatology, phytoplankton, environmental surveys, water temperature, primary production, water transparency, nutritional requirements
Fee, E.J., R.E. Hecky, M.P. Stainton, P. Sandberg, L.L. Hendzel, S.J. Guildford, H.J. Kling, G.K. McCullough, C. Anema, and A. Salki. 1989. Lake variability and climate research in Northwestern Ontario: study design and 1985-1986 data from the Red Lake District. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1662: v + 39 p.