Forage production in the Interlake region of Manitoba

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Armitage, David G.
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A total of 120 Interlake forage producers were interviewed using a standardized guestionnaire to gather data on their farm operations in general, their forage production systems in particular and personal information such as age, level of education and ethnicity. Data relating to forage production became the base for the development of a Forage Production Classification System. In this system forage producers were assigned to 1 of 4 classes, with Class 1 being an excellent system and Class 4 a poor system. Characteristics of forage producers in each of the 4 classes were then identified using general farm data and personal information. Class 1 forage producers were dominated by dairymen farming in the land-resource unit of Red River/Osborne and forage-seed producers with farms in Arborg/Peguis. Class 2 producers of forage included cattlemen that farmed in the land-resource unit of Inwood/Meleb and dairy farmers located outside of Red River/Osborne. Class 3 forage producers were concentrated in Red River/Osborne but comprised mainly of cattlemen. The poorest forage producers, those in Class 4, were cattlemen located in either Isafold or Inwood/Meleb.