A planner's guide to a placemaking practice, a collaborative approach for neighbourhood management : an analysis of the Fort Rouge Neighbourhood Management Plan

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Mora Rivera, Marcela Patricia
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This thesis explores placemaking theory in order to define the role of the professional planner to regain and contribute to the art of making places that are meaningful and reflective of the diverse people that inhabit them. In relating placemaking to the planning profession this thesis critically examines the role and process by which the City of Winnipeg Planning and Land Use Division has practiced the making of places through a neighbourhood management approach to local level planning in the Fort Rouge community. Neighbourhood management as demonstrated in this thesis serves more as an approach to enable the City to administratively manage neighbourhoods and less by which citizens can participate in strategically thinking about the collective maintenance, development and management of their neighbourhoods. While the Fort Rouge Neighbourhood Management Plan has outlined community concepts, principles and a strategy for action, it has not provided the community with the underlying objectives of relation and capacity building. This thesis argues that the neighbourhood management approach would be most enabling for both the City of Winnipeg Planning and Land Use Division and citizens through placemaking practice. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)