Relations between spatial variability of soil properties and grain yield response to nitrogen fertilizer in a variable Manitoba soil-landscape

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Manning, Grant Russell
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Wheat ('Triticum aestivum' L.) grain yield response to N fertilizer and grain protein concentration were investigated in an undulating Newdale glacial till soil-landscape. The objective of the study was to characterize spatial variability in: (1) Static topographic and pedogenic soil attributes, (2) Dynamic soil attributes, and (3) Crop response attributes, in order to assess the viability of variable-rate N fertilization. The study site was delineated into Upper (U), Mid (M) and Lower (L) elevation Landform Element Complexes (LECs). Topographic attributes derived included relative elevation, slope gradient, plan and profile curvature, and global and local catchment. Measured static soil attributes included A horizon depth, solum depth, depth to calcium carbonate, Ap horizon pH, and A horizon organic carbon content. Measured dynamic soil attributes included soil moisture and plant-available nutrients (NO3-N, NH4-N, extractable P, exchangeable K and SO4-S). Crop response attributes included above-ground biomass production at anthesis ('ABM'?), grain yield ('GY'?) and grain protein concentration ('GPC'?). (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
