Child sexual abuse and the non-offending parent, a psychoeducational support group or mothers who have children who have been sexually abused

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Schmor, Stephanie Ann
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Child sexual abuse remains a serious concern for social workers, pract tioners and researchers. Literature regarding sexual abuse continues to focus predominantly on the victim. Empirical and clinical research clearly identifies short- and long-term physical and emotional effects for the child as a result of child victimization. The importance of the role of the mother in the disclosure and intervention process for the child has been identified. Only recently has recognition been given to the understanding of the mother's personal emotional impact from the victimization. Unfortunately, limited resources and interventions have been implemented to effectively address these issues for the non-offending mother. The purpose of this practicum was to develop, implement, and evaluate an intervention that would assist mothers of children who had been sexually abused. The model of intervention utilized a psychoeducational group format informed by small group theory and a feminist perspective. The aim of the intervention was to provide an avenue for emotional ventilation and facilitation of positive coping strategies through the provision of mutual support, reduction in isolation, improvement in the parent/child relationship, and an increase in self-esteem. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
