A color blending model and a color correction algorithm for additive optical see-through displays
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Optical see-through display (OSTD) is a transparent digital display which simultaneously gives access to the digital contents and the real world objects behind it. Additive optical see-though display is a hardware subtype of OSTD which has its own light source to create the digital contents. In Additive OSTD, light coming from background objects mixes with the light originating from the display causing what is known as the color blending problem. The work in this thesis provides a solution to the color blending problem. In order to understand the problem, this thesis first presents a new color blending model for additive OSTD based on two display induced distortions: the Render distortion and the Material distortion. A new method called Binned Profile (BP) method which accounts for the render distortion is developed to predict the blended color, when applied on the color blending model. BP method is validated with other known methods and is shown to be the most accurate in predicting the color blends with 9 just noticeable differences (JND) in worst case. Based on the BP method, a new color correction algorithm called BP color correction is created to solve the color blending problem. BP-color correction finds the alternative digital color to counter balance the blending. The correction capacity of various digital colors were analysed using the BP color correction approach. BP color correction is also compared and proven to be better than the existing solution. A quicker version of the correction called quick correction is also explored. The thesis concludes with an exploration of the material distortion, explains the limitations of BP-correction, provides design recommendations .