Individualized care and concern for the distant neighbour: A case-study on the organizational hierarchy that fosters a culture of cura personalis in Jesuit Refugee Service schools in Lebanon

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Stadnyk, Jarrod
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The purpose of this study is to provide a case-study from the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) education programs for Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Education as humanitarian aid is an important part of recovery in areas of crisis. There are concerns whether evaluations on humanitarian aid are worth the diversion of funds from on-the-ground support. Jesuit education as a form of aid can build upon its Ignatian pedagogy and the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm in order to offer an evaluative mechanism that not only assesses the success of the aid, but does so through a process that further entrenches the Ignatian culture. A problem for the JRS is assessing how they apply the concept of cura personalis, a hallmark of Jesuit education, to the development of their educators. The capability approach, from Sen (1979) and Nussbaum (1997), helps to answer what equity is measured by, and how quality of life is assessed other than by financial indicators. Cura personalis and the capability approach help to provide a lens for taking note of the impact of an education on the well-being of students. In order to assess the environment that is created to help the well-being of students, data was collected in the form of interviews from three levels of the JRS within Lebanon, including the regional office, country office, and three schools. This data will shed light on how an environment of cura personalis is being fostered in JRS schools and the bureaucratic network that provides their front line education.

capability approach, cura personalis, education as humanitarian aid, Jesuit Refugee Service, Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm