A survey of the cestodes in the cats of Winnipeg

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Riddle, Victor Norman
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Since Winnipeg has been definately located in one of the Diphyllobothrium areas of North America, this survey was made to determine if this genus was present in one of our domestic animals, and at the same time, to find what other genera were being harbored by such an animal. The cat was selected for this investigation for the following reasons: It is fond of raw meat and fish; it is a small animal easily handled and the remains incinerated; and finally because it could be obtained in sufficient numbers from which to draw conclusions. The cats were obtained from the Winnipeg Humane Society. They were killed with hydrocyanic acid administered through the mouth by an official of the society and delivered the same day. In practically all cases the cestodes were still alive when found. The cats came from all sections of the city and were examined over the period of time from the latter part of October to the end of January. During this period 72 cats were examined at the rate of six to eight a week. In searching for the cestodes the abdomen was opened along the mid-ventral line and the gut was torn free from the surrounding mesentery. A ligature was tied to the posterior end of the small intestine before the latter was cut. The anterior end was held in the fingers and cut next to the stomach. The gut was then held under the warm tap to remove the blood before being stretched out on the glass plated for cutting open...