An experimental study of the effects on achievement of the use of a culturally relevant mathematics program

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Reimer, Gordon Dan.
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This study was designed (1) to investigate the effects on the achievement of native students, when a culturally relevant mathematics program was used, and (2) to determine if the use of such a program increased the student's level of enjoyment in mathematics, (3) to determine if students studying such a program would recognize greater value in mathematics (4) to determine if teachers believed the use of this program contributed to student enjoyment and to achievement in mathematics. To investigate the effects on achievement, an experimental setting was used to compare the achievement of 175 grade seven students from eleven schools within Frontier School Division. This sample was divided into treatment and control groups. The first group received the culturally relevant curriculum unit, while the second group received a parallel unit based on the present authorized curriculum and texts in the Province of Manitoba. The units dealt with mathematical word problems which were developed by the writer for this study. Using a pretest and posttest, an analysis of covariance was used to test the nu11 hypothesis of no significant difference in achievement between the two groups. To determine the effects of this program on student enjoyment of mathematics and the value students see in mathematies, a student questionnaire was used. This was analysed and the responses reported comparatively between the treatment and the control groups. To determine if teachers considered the use of such a prograrn important in student enjoyment and achievement in mathematics, two teacher questionnaires were utilized. The first was completed by all eleven teaehers upon completion of the experimental study, while the second was completed by the control teachers only upon receipt of a culturally relevant curriculum unit. These were analysed and the responses reported comparatively between the treatment and control groups...