Design and fabrication of a piezoelectric micro dispensing printing system

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Gaurav, Shishir
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This thesis presents a detailed discussion on designing the system architecture to control the piezoelectric micro dispensing system from Microdrop Technologies equipped with a 70 µm nozzle diameter MD-K-140 dispenser head via a host computer. The system architecture is designed to control the two main modules of the inkjet printing system. They are, (i) the motor positioning control electronics to control the movement of micro dispenser head to print the structure and (ii) The micro-dispenser control electronics to control the dispensing parameters required to dispense the ink drops. An interactive user interface is designed create a structure, parse it and transmit the command to interact with these modules. The structures were printed on a glass substrate using micro dispensing system from Microdrop Technologies. The printing was done at room temperature. A UTDAgIJ conductive silver nano inks was used for printing structures. The glass substrates were thoroughly cleaned by washing subsequently with DI water, acetone and isopropanol and kept for few hours before printing. Two types of thermal sintering process were used for this work. They were, (i) An oven sintering, and (ii) A 500 W 120 V tungsten halogen lamp sintering. The sintering results were compared using these methods. Oven sintering process was done at different temperatures and time. Incandescent lamp sintering was done varying the distance of the printed structures from the lamp and the time. It was observed that, the conductivity of the printed structure using an incandescent lamp sintering at 1cm from the lamp for 2 minutes yielded almost the same value as obtained using oven sintering at 250 ᵒC for 15 minutes. Maximum conductivity of around 2.64E+05 S/cm was obtained using oven sintering at 250 ºC for 30 min.
Inkjet Printer, Printer Electronics, Sintering, Conductive Ink