Planning for industrial urbanism in Winnipeg, Manitoba: a case study of Rosser CentrePort

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Allan, Evan
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Industrial uses are often forced to the urban fringe by land use conflicts, real estate pressures and the strict separation of uses under conventional zoning practices. However, green technologies, smaller scale operations and rising costs of transportation have prompted different approaches to industrial land use planning. This research explores the concept of industrial urbanism and the application of form-based zoning to the Rosser CentrePort Special Planning Area to better understand the role of industry and the implications of CentrePort’s planning model. Findings show public perception, lack of serviced land, and varying levels of incompatibility negatively affect industrial development. Seven recommendations are provided for the City of Winnipeg including the provision of serviced industrial lands, the redefinition of industrial uses, and the development of an industrial transect based on the CentrePort model. The research concludes industrial development requires additional attention from planners and municipal decision makers to better address its specific land use planning challenges.
Industrial urbanism, Zoning, Autonomous industrial park, Form-based code, Industrial land use