Validation and evaluation of the stable isotope marking technique in the lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens

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Carriere, Benjamin
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In this thesis the enriched stable isotope marking technique was examined to determine its validity and effectiveness in marking of Lake Sturgeon fin rays. The enriched stable isotope marking technique uses stable isotopes of elements that replace calcium in boney tissue, which are fixed in nature, however in laboratory settings can be easily manipulated. Manipulated ratios of naturally occurring isotopes can be determined from a small sample of the fin ray, thus allowing for the discrimination of fish stocks. Further, the thesis examined the underlying assumptions for strontium and barium into the Lake Sturgeon. For the marking technique to work, strontium and barium must be taken up from the environment and accumulated long-term in boney tissue. Net flux and tissue retention of strontium is reported and the research has demonstrated that enriched stable isotopes can be successfully used to mark the fin ray of Lake Sturgeon for long-term stock discrimination.
lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, stable isotope marking, strontium, barium, influx, efflux, net flux, accumulation, biological half-life