Food insecurity within the Island Lake First Nation communities in northern Manitoba, Canada

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Zahariuk, Shauna
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Conditions of hunger and lack of access to affordable healthy foods exists within Canada. Canada has committed itself to international Declarations, Covenants, and Conventions focused on reducing world hunger; however, it has neglected to address domestic hunger issues. Using mixed methods, this study quantified food insecurity rates and severity within four First Nation communities in northern Manitoba. The study also explored the communities’ perspectives regarding barriers to healthy eating and potential solutions to addressing this multi-faceted problem. Results indicate that the four First Nation communities within this study are amongst the most food insecure and hungry within Manitoba and Canada, with 92% of households experiencing some form of food insecurity and 50% of households experiencing severe food insecurity. The research has revealed that solutions for improving food security must be embedded within the realm of food sovereignty and be led by First Nation communities.
Food, Insecurity, First, Nation, Island, Lake, Aboriginal, Security, Manitoba, Canada