The changing face of Manitoba health, a needs assessment

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Rauscher, Robert A.
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Manitoba Health has and continues to undergo significant change, moving away from an organization that was involved in direct service delivery to one that now manages or supports service delivery through alternate models. The purpose of this study was to identify Manitoba Health's desired level of skill sets for their staff compared to those which they currently possess. This was accomplished through the implementation of a needs assessment that focused on the identification and verification of the discrepancy or gap that may exist between these two states. That is, "what is" and "what should be". The specific questions that were answered by this research included: (1) what is the current and future mandate (role and function) of Manitoba Health under its new organization structure? (2) What are the desired skill sets required of the staff of Manitoba Health in order for them to meet the stated mandate? (3) What skill sets does the staff of Manitoba Health currently possess?, and (4) Does a gap actually exist between the current skill sets possessed by the staff of Manitoba Health and the desired skill sets as identified by executive management? (Abstract shortened by UMI.)