An evaluability assessment of a family reunification program

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Brownlee, Alana
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The evaluability assessment is a front-end analysis of the extent to which a program can be evaluated. It is considered particularly useful for new programs as previous program evaluations were found to have limited utility to program managers. Family preservation and family reunification are new models of service developed in response o increasing pressure of home care. The evaluability assessment was to reduce the number of children in out considered an appropriate method of analyzing the Reunification Program of Winnipeg Child and Family Services. The evaluability assessment involved developing a consensual program model acceptable to all stakeholders. Once completed, an analysis of the program and its feasibility was undertaken to determine its evaluability. The program was deemed unable to support a program evaluation. Therefore, the evaluability assessment made recommendations to assist the Reunification Program to enhance its amenability to an evaluation. While the evaluability assessment does not assist the program to implement the recommendations, it does provide a research design that may be beneficial. Programs may be unable to sustain both an evaluability assessment and a program evaluation, therefore a comprehensive evaluation incorporating elements of the evaluability assessment seems most effective.