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    Open Access
    Bones at Home Supporting Haptic Learning and Universal Design beyond the Biological Anthropology Laboratory
    (2024-10-14) Gilmour, Rebecca J.; Gamble, Julia A.
    Remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic led to a range of pedagogical challenges for anthropology laboratory courses. In biological anthropology courses such as Human Osteology, hands-on experience is essential to achieving learning outcomes, including basic bone and feature (i.e., landmark) identification, identification from fragmentary remains, and age and sex estimation. To address the need for training that includes object-based, tactile (haptic) learning in fields such as biological anthropology and archaeology, all Human Osteology students at Mount Royal University and the University of Manitoba took home plastic model skeletons. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how well remotely educated undergraduates (REUs) met human osteology learning objectives when supported by plastic model skeletons at home. We present the results of a survey designed to test core osteological skills obtained by REUs in comparison with undergraduates educated with in-person laboratory components (IPUs) and experts in the field (zero to four and five or more years of experience). REU scores did not differ significantly from those of IPU or Junior Experts with less than five years of experience. Students performed well in bone identification but were limited in their ability to apply common sex and age estimation methods and to identify incomplete elements. Our findings reinforce the importance of haptic learning and years of experience in human osteological learning. They support the use of take-home models as valuable resources in both remote and in-person undergraduate teaching. This work is a step toward more inclusive universal instructional design that can be applied across various anthropology laboratory courses.
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    Open Access
    A First-Century Receipt from the Receivers of Public Clothing in Tebtunis (P.Tebt. UC 1607c)
    (2019) Gibbs, Matt; Sampson, C. Michael
    An edition of a first-century Tebtunis papyrus containing a letter from the receivers of public clothing, with analyses of both this liturgical office as well as the practice of compulsory sale for the supply of military clothing.
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    Open Access
    Area G and the Digging of Kom Aushim
    (de Gruyter, 2024-01-17) Sampson, C. Michael
    An analysis of the early history of digging at Kom Aushim and the Museum archaeology of Karanis papyri purchased on the Egyptian antiquities market is combined with archaeological data from the University of Michigan’s excavations to locate purchased papyri in the archaeological record.
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    Open Access
    FDI-growth and trade-growth relationships during crises: evidence from Bangladesh
    (Springer Open, 2024-02-09) Sarker, Bibhuti
    This study examines foreign direct investment (FDI)-growth and trade-growth relationships in Bangladesh during three major crises: the economic crisis of 2007–2008, the commodity crisis of 2016, and the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic of 2020. The augmented autoregressive distributed lag (AARDL) bounds testing approach and Bayer and Hanck cointegration are employed on time-series data spanning the period 1974–2020. The results suggest that exports have positive effects on economic growth, while imports have insignificant effects in both the short run and long run. Total trade (the sum of exports and imports) has a positive but weakly significant effect on economic growth only in the long run, whereas FDI exhibits a positive effect in both the short run and long run. Although the crises are not found to affect economic growth directly or through trade (i.e., no dampening effect on trade-led growth), they are found to distort FDI-led growth in both the short run and long run. As robustness tests for long-run elasticities, the fully modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS) and dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS) cointegration techniques are implemented, yielding results similar to those obtained with the AARDL.
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    Open Access
    Deconstructing the Provenances of P.Sapph.Obbink
    (American Society of Papyrologists, 2020-10-20) Sampson, C. Michael
    The analysis of a recently surfaced Christie's brochure proposing P.Sapph.Obbink for private treaty sale calls into question the published accounts of the papyrus' provenance.