UML System Documentation

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    Open Access
    MSpace Copyright Distribution Licence (with signatory section)
    (2023-07-21) Wheeler, Althea
    A student's thesis/practicum is a public document and therefore it is necessary to ensure copyright licensing and compliance before it is made available in MSpace. This License grants rights to the University of Manitoba and the University is relying on the accuracy of the student's representations and warranties in this Licence. The thesis/practicum will not go through further independent copyright or other review. This version of the License has a signatory section where it is understood that the student will complete the form and send it to the respective faculty/department to be retained in perpetuity.
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    Open Access
    MSpace Thesis/Practicum Copyright License
    (2023-06-01) Wheeler, Althea
    Your thesis/practicum is a public document and therefore it is necessary to ensure copyright licensing and compliance before it is made available in MSpace. Please read this Licence carefully; it grants rights to the University of Manitoba and the University is relying on the accuracy of your representations and warranties in this Licence. Your thesis/practicum will not go through further independent copyright or other review. For more information about copyright in your thesis/practicum and the permissions granted to the University under this Licence visit
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    Open Access
    MSpace Copyright Distribution License
    (2023-06-01) Wheeler, Althea
    Works deposited to MSpace are public documents and therefore it is necessary to ensure copyright licensing and compliance before they are made available. Please read this Licence carefully; it grants rights to the University of Manitoba and the University is relying on the accuracy of your representations and warranties in this Licence. Your work will not go through further independent copyright or other review. You may visit the Copyright Office website at for copyright guidance or send your questions to
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    Open Access
    MSpace Digital Repository Mandate and Policy
    (2023-05-25) Szwajcer, Andrea
    The purpose of this internal Libraries Policy is to set boundaries for the acquisition, submission, public access and preservation of materials maintained in MSpace. This Policy is subject to University of Manitoba Governing Documents, Policies and Procedures. The administration of this Policy will be guided by other University Policies and Procedures, and in particular Policies with relevance to the MSpace digital repository, such as those relating to research, Indigenous culture and knowledge, and repatriation and rematriation.
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    Open Access
    The New UML Website Design - 2016
    (2016-07-15) Warren, Ruby