Relative concentration and locational characteristics of senior citizen apartment units in Winnipeg, 1981-1993

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Anderson Ramsay, Helen M.
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The main objective of this thesis is to analyze locational characteristics of Senior Citizen Apartment (SCA) units in the city of Winnipeg in 1981 and 1993. Attention is focussed on the determination of the structural compositions of Winnipeg's SCA market in l981 and 1993; change in the spatial congregation and relative concentration of all categories of SCA units in Winnipeg between 1991 and 1993; the origins of moves to public SCA projects in Winnipeg; and the local neighbourhood characteristics of a sample of public and private SCA projects located in different areas of the city. Two main methods of data analysis are used, Image Differencing and Location Quotients. Both analyses are carried out using Geographic System Technology. Results of the study indicate that SCA units are not always located in "high need" areas or in neighbourhoods with adequate service environments, and that the service outlet type most often missing from the local area is a grocery store or supermarket. In addition, results of the "origins of moves" into public SCAs analysis revealed a distinct `distance bias.' On the basis of the results of this study, it is recommended that any new SCA projects should be built in "high need" areas that provide an appropriate neighbourhood environment.