A study of the copper and zinc status of some Manitoba soils

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McGregor, William R.
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Greenhouse studies were conducted to determlne the relationships between the copper and zinc content of flax and wheat, and selected soil properties. Yields of flax and wheat were lower on the calcereous soils than on the non- calcareous soils. The copper content of flax and wheat grown on fine textured soils was generally higher than the copper content of plants grown on the coarse textured. soils. The zinc content of flax and wheat was generally higher on the coarse textured soils than on the fine textured soils. The copper content of flax increased wlth increases in soi1 pH, carbonate content, and organic matter content. The copper content of wheat was not significantly related to any of the above soil properties. The zinc content of flax decreased wlth increasing pH. However, the zine content of flax was not signlficantly related to so1l carbonate content or organic matter content. The zinc content of wheat decreased with increasing soil pH, carbonate content, and organlc matter content...