A teacher's journey to transform her math identity

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Hawthorne, Rhonda
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This study explored the transformation of a teacher’s math identity. The researcher used narrative inquiry to live alongside the participant (Clandinin, 2013) as she experienced teaching in a pedagogically courageous way to make math meaningful to her students. Along the way the participant experienced cognitive dissonance but through intense collaborative professional reflection she persevered and evolved. The study addressed the questions: What factors influence a teacher’s motivation to grow and to make math meaningful to their students? What factors influence a teacher to commit to lifelong learning in math? Four themes emerged through the observations, journals, and reflective conversations including sharing of interim texts and the final narrative. The importance of the relationship with the researcher/coach, the trust that the participant had in the coach, the process, and herself, her desire for balance in her teaching life, and her improved sense efficacy led to her transformed math identity.
Mathematics, Identity, Pre-service teachers, Reflection, Efficacy, Relationship, Teacher, Narrative inquiry, Teacher education, Trust, Motivation, Transformation, Balance, Meaningful, Growth, Lifelong learning, Pedagogy, Experience, Collaborative, Cognitive dissonance