In consideration of the University of Manitoba (the “University”) making copies of my thesis
available to interested persons, I hereby grant a non-exclusive, royalty free license to the
University of Manitoba:

(a) to archive, reproduce, or distribute my thesis (the title of which is set forth above) as well as
my dissertation, in whole or in part, and/or my abstract, in whole or in part (collectively
hereinafter the “Licensed Material”) anywhere in the world, for non-commercial purposes, in all
forms of media;

(b) to authorize, sub-license, sub-contract or procure any of the acts mentioned in paragraph (a).

I represent and promise that the Licensed Material is my original work, does not infringe any
rights of others, including copyright and privacy rights, and that I have the right to make the
grant conferred by this non-exclusive license.

I certify that the version of the Licensed Material (the thesis or dissertation) I am submitting is
the same as that approved by my advisory committee.

I retain ownership of the copyright in the Licensed Material, and may deal with the copyright in
the Licensed Material, in any way consistent with rights granted by me to the University in this
non-exclusive license.

I further promise to inform any person to whom I may hereafter assign or license my copyright
to the Licensed Material, or any part thereof, of the rights granted by me to the University in this
non-exclusive license.

I retain moral rights in my thesis in accordance with Section 14 of the Copyright Act.

Where I have used material owned by third party copyright holders, I represent that I have
obtained written permissions, where necessary, from such copyright holders and will supply
copies of such upon request by the University.

I acknowledge that the University will not distribute the Licensed Material if, in the reasonable
judgment of the University, they believe the said permission of third party copyright holders has
not been secured.

I understand that the University shall not be responsible for any misuse of the Licensed Material
by third parties who access the Licensed Material through the University.