Measurement of wide and narrow mass differences on the Manitoba II mass spectrometer

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Southon, Frank Charles Gray
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Scope and contents: The primary objective of this work has been the measurement of mass doublets having a greater spacing than those previously measured by this group, i.e. doublets for which (^M/M > 1/17,000). Instrumental modifications are described, and the present experimental limitations for precise measurements is discussed. With the system developed, measurements were made to improve the knowledge of the 37Cl - 35Cl mass difference, and to correlate the ends of long chain of mass differences measured in this and previous work, viz. by linking lutetium and neodymium nuclides. Some narrow mass differences are reported, and a new type of computer - assisted matching system is discussed. Previous mass measurements carried out in this laboratory have been corrected for the systematic errors discovered in this work and a new adjustment carried out. Our knowledge of systematic variations of the double neutron separation energy (S2n) for 104< N <112 has been extended and is discussed herein.