Characterizing the Structural and Functional Anatomy Associated with Rotator Cuff Muscle Injury

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Vancura, David
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Rotator cuff muscle injuries are the most common cause of shoulder pain and dysfunction in industrialized countries and have a significant impact on the health care system and workforce. To date the natural history of RC pathology is not well understood. Muscle disuse and degeneration as well as de-innervation resulting from entrapment of the suprascapular nerve have all been implicated as possible causes for rotator cuff disease. Unfortunately, the mechanisms responsible for the changes in muscle structure and function are not well understood. The objectives of this research project are to 1. Characterize and document the structural anatomy of the supraspinatus muscle 2. Use MRI imaging to classify fatty degeneration using a widely accepted clinical classification system 3. Use isokinetic and handheld dynamometry to quantify rotator cuff muscle function in pathological based patient populations that have been diagnosed with a rotator cuff muscle injury. The results of this pilot project are expected to contribute to our understanding of the anatomical factors associated with rotator cuff injury and have the potential to offer significant insight into the structural and functional changes associated with rotator cuff muscle injury. It is than hoped that the findings associated with this project can launch further research that could provide surgeons with clinical guidelines on who should qualify for surgical versus conservative treatment of rotator cuff tears.