The identification, distribution and sources of lithic raw materials in Manitoba archaeological sites

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Leonoff, Leslie M.
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This thesis examines the question of lithic raw materials, their identification, sources and frequency of distribution in Manitoba archaeological sites. A number of common lithic materials are described in terms of their visible characteristics and some are submitted to this section examination to render a more precise description. Sites in eight environmental regions of the province are sampled and the distribution and frequency of the materials therein are tabulated and may be seen in the appendix. Also the sources of these materials are described from the literature and field examination. The data on raw material frequency and distribution leads to the establishment of two concepts, the area of concentration and the zone of transition. Further, ths date is examined within the temporal framework of Paleo-Indian and post Paleo-Indian times. Attempts are made to account for raw material distribution at great distances from the known sources. Trade, migration and gathering are the mechanisms suggested to account for this phenomenon. Lastly, a statement of possible future research suggestions is made.