Adaptive harvest-then-transmit for a two-tier heterogeneous wireless network
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Different techniques are being implemented in modern communication networks to ensure that their coverage, capacity, and other user-experience requirements are always met. In this thesis, I consider multi-antenna techniques, energy harvesting, and the dense deployment of small cell base stations in a two-tiered wireless powered communication network (WPCN) where multi-antenna transmitters utilize a Harvest Then Transmit (HTT) protocol to coordinate wireless energy harvesting and information transmission with their associated users. To satisfy network throughput requirements at all user positions, I formulate multi-constraint optimization problems to maximize the minimum data rate at both tier and network levels, solving the resulting non-convex expressions with an algorithm which incorporates the Perron-Frobenius non-negative matrix theory for alternate parameter optimization. I also present a less complex solution methodology, compared the performance of both and provided interesting insights on my findings.