From kingdom to kin-dom, three feminist interpretations of the Kingdom of God

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Elias, Verna
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This thesis works from two premises. The first is that the Kingdom of God functions as a concept of hope, hope for a better world, hope for justice, hope for wholeness. The second premise is that women's recent rereadings of the Kingdom of God are important and merit attention. My main search is to uncover hopes that women's interpretations bring to the Kingdom of God concept. This thesis limits itself to the interpretations of three feminist theologians. I have chosen to study works by Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza, Rosemary Radford Ruether, and Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz. First, I introduce their specific interpretive principles. Next, I use these principles as the basis for exploring their ideas concerning the Kingdom of God. I argue that the hopes brought by these feminist theologians stem from their interpretations of the values of 'belonging, caretaking', and 'community '. From their interpretations I conclude that the re-interpreted Kingdom of God concept continues to function as a "project of hope," that from within the emerging feminist theology concerning the eschatological concept come great hopes for betterment of self and relationships, and, that there is good reason for letting old hopes die.