Indian communities in Saskatchewan : an assessment of the current land planning process

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Gerstmar, John David
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This practicum is a review and assessment of land planning studies presently being prepared for Indian communities in the Province of Saskatchewan. The comprehensive planning process was developed by the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Planning Division. Private consultants used various approaches to administer the process. Both the process and the approaches are new to the Indian people of Saskatchewan. As with any new system, there is a need for adjustment. A review of the process and the approaches followed in conducting Indian land planning studies indicated that the same holds true in this instance as well. There is a need to review and evaluate the current process in order to make adjustments which will enable the system to function more successfully. This study concerns itself directly with the three main participants in the process: Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, consultants and Indian people. They, through interviews, candidly assessed, evaluated and provided suggestions for improvements to the land planning process and approaches followed in conducting Indian community planning studies. The study concludes by giving a general assessment of the process and provides the author's recommendations on how it can be improved and how consultants can be effective in their planning approaches with Indian people.